Team Leadership Resources
The Right Skills? The Right Fit? Take the Guesswork Out of Hiring
At Insight, it’s no question what tool yields the most useful assessments: the Kolbe Wisdom™ system. We’ve used Kolbe for over twelve years now because it’s different from the other indexes; it neither seeks to identify personality style (affective) nor to measure intellect (cognitive), either of which the majority of other tools seek to do.
Use Index Tools to Guide the Employee Development Process
The Kolbe A, B and C Indexes® provide a holistic understanding of the natural instincts and unique talents of each employee. Understanding these instincts enables you to form synergistic teams and empowers managers to develop effective approaches for successful leadership. Any size company can benefit from the Kolbe Wisdom® system.
Increase Employee Engagement by Setting Simple Goals
Achieving a goal should yield growth, so make sure that each goal you set is attainable, but isn’t such a breeze to accomplish that it requires little to no effort. That means that a goal must be specific, too, so that the employee and the manager have a metric and can clearly see whether it’s been met.
Empower Employees to Make Their Own Career Choices: Treat Them Like Adults
A performance management system like BLOOM aligns your business objectives with employee goals. It enables employees and managers to keep track of goals and performance, and it enables HR to identify top performers as well as employees who are at or below average.
Professional Development Progress Through Peer Coaching
Have you ever tried a new diet or committed to a New Year’s resolution only to lose momentum a week or two in? Have you asked a friend to check in on your progress or—even better—to join you? That’s a form of peer coaching that helps with accountability, and it’s just as applicable in the office as in the gym.
Transparency in Talent Planning & Performance Management
Before the economic downturn, SHRM reported in 2006 that 40% of workers were likely to change jobs when the economy turns. Has it happened? At Insight, we have used this statistic for years.
Simplify! Performance Management That Really Works!
Think about why and how you use (or would use) a talent management system. Just to keep track of employee performance and compensation data?
Understand the Components of Talent Management
When thinking about your organization’s future, it’s important to think not only about goals, objectives, and initiatives, but obviously how to achieve them. A major contributor is obviously your employees.
How to Get Managers to Commit to Strategic Performance Management
It’s relatively easy to recite pieces of performance reviews without really thinking about the function they serve or the value they provide. The purpose of performance management is to align employee efforts with business strategies for accurate performance evaluation and feedback for success.
It’s Time for A Shift in Mindset: Think “Performance Planning”
Making the switch to “performance planning” is more than semantics. It’s a shift in mindset that signals a commitment to developing your employees and supporting their career goals.
Build Memories of the Future: Create Scenarios Rather Than Strategic Plans
In his November 2009 article “The use and abuse of scenarios,” Charles Roxburgh discusses the ways that scenario planning helps leaders to identify extreme events and their potential outcomes and responses. He notes four features that lead to understanding uncertainty and developing strategy:
Tips on How to Cultivate A Creative Workforce
To achieve a true mindset of innovation takes commitment. Kuczmarski submits that eight building blocks that rest on three interconnected platforms:
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