Resource Center

Add unlimited links and documents to the information center. Share forms, policies, procedures, and more in categories that you customize for your organization.


BLOOM offers a comprehensive information center where you can upload unlimited company files such as policies, forms, procedures, images and links to other websites for team member access.

  • Utilize organization level files as an unlimited library to post forms and files for team member access and download

  • Save files at different security levels of access (personal, manager, executive or administrator levels)

  • Create website links to other sites which team members regularly access

  • Load files of all types and create custom categories for file organization

  • Utilize BLOOM's comprehensive library of forms and files for team leaders

  • Dashboard access

    Choose files and links to appear on main dashboard for easy access.

  • Resource details

    Add each resource’s details for level of access and instructions regarding the intended use.

  • BLOOM library

    Access BLOOM’s master library of over 230 sample documents and templates to help you get your policies, procedures and communications moving forward.

Inspire leaders and teams to grow.

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