Team Leadership Resources
Ready, Set, Go! An Introduction to Job Matching
The keys to understanding and implementing a unique competitive advantage are to define your organizational goals and expectations and to know your people and support their growth. Integrating these two ideas is a powerful, effective method for increasing efficiency, improving performance beyond your expectations, and as a result retaining your best people.
Learn the Secrets to Great Interview Questions
In his book, The Manager’s Book of Questions: 1,001 Great Interview Questions for Hiring the Right Person, John Kador identifies seven types of questions that serve specific purposes in a job interview:
Need to Know! Characteristics of Successful Teams
Regardless of whether we’re talking about the Indianapolis Colts or the editorial department of the Indianapolis Star, there are a number of characteristics common to successful teams:
Learn How to Write Effective Role Descriptions
The essential components of an effective role description
Increase Employee Engagement by Setting Simple Goals
Achieving a goal should yield growth, so make sure that each goal you set is attainable, but isn’t such a breeze to accomplish that it requires little to no effort. That means that a goal must be specific, too, so that the employee and the manager have a metric and can clearly see whether it’s been met.
Understanding Your Employees: Spotlight on Millennials
The most cut-and-dry identifier of someone in the Millennial generation is that they were born between 1978 and 2002. Attitudinal and behavioral tendencies generally observed in this generation include:
Why You Need to Develop Your People in Tough Economic Times
Economically speaking, times are tough. No surprise there, right? Well, if you keep one eye on your company’s sales performance and the other on the financial bottom line, you’re overlooking your greatest asset: your employees.
The Right People + The Right Strategy = Unstoppable Success!
Most business leaders would agree that having a business strategy -- a focus, goals for growth, and a plan of action -- is an undoubtedly vital element of running business. Companies spend a considerable amount of time, energy, and money identifying a strategy, acquiring and implementing the right equipment, technology, and processes.
How to Achieve a Healthy Balance of Intimacy and Accountability in the Workplace
We all know the drama that can flare when friends work together as coworkers or in employee/supervisor relationships. We also know the tension that can poison the office when employees and their managers do not see eye to eye.
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