Team Leadership Resources
The Right Skills? The Right Fit? Take the Guesswork Out of Hiring
At Insight, it’s no question what tool yields the most useful assessments: the Kolbe Wisdom™ system. We’ve used Kolbe for over twelve years now because it’s different from the other indexes; it neither seeks to identify personality style (affective) nor to measure intellect (cognitive), either of which the majority of other tools seek to do.
It’s Going to Take Work: Learn How to Develop A Healthy Approach to Dealing with Conflict
Dealing with conflict takes self-awareness, respect, careful listening, honesty, and structured dialog in order to be positively resolved. Disrespect breeds an unhealthy approach conflict.
When It Comes to Performance Issues, Know How to Give Feedback
Without neutral observation, effective feedback is nearly impossible, whether that feedback is aimed at a process, a group of people, or an individual. When using feedback to help people improve their processes or change behaviors, follow a few simple guidelines to make that feedback effective.
Beware the Inaccuracies of Self-Perception in Self-Assessment
Most employees will stay within or close to their comfort zones. They’ll use self-assessments to justify their conduct rather than change their behaviors.
Professional Development Progress Through Peer Coaching
Have you ever tried a new diet or committed to a New Year’s resolution only to lose momentum a week or two in? Have you asked a friend to check in on your progress or—even better—to join you? That’s a form of peer coaching that helps with accountability, and it’s just as applicable in the office as in the gym.
Find the Right Person for the Job with The Whole Mind Interviewing Process
For centuries we’ve known that the human mind has three parts, unfortunately most recruiting and hiring processes forget this. Often personality assessments are misused as screening tools, resumes are overused, and interviews are only utilized for assessing whether employers “like” a candidate.
Are Your Values Driving Your Organization?
Although the idea is not completely new, Netflix approach is easy to understand. They outline these seven aspects of their corporate culture:
Get (and Give) Insight with Employee Assessments
When you plan assessments be sure to address all three parts of the mind to get a more complete picture:
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