Performance Management
Personalize performance review forms for each team member and evaluate progress on role key results areas, competencies, weighted individual development goals, learning assignments, organization core values and more.
Performance Dialogues
Create performance review forms for each team member based on personalized role requirements, goals, activities and assignments that you define. Every dialogue form is based on measurable requirements that you select. Personalized information from team member records can be pulled directly from their role requirements, development goals, activities and learning assignments. This makes it easy to see an individual's performance, areas for improvement and fit for the position.
Custom dialogue forms can be created by leaders and selected based on purpose such as coaching, progress discussions, career achievement review and annual performance reviews.
Select a 3, 4 or 5-point rating scale
Complete leader and team member self reviews
Review forms are personalized for each team member based on role requirements and recent activities
Access team member performance journal, peer feedback and learning activities during the dialogue process
Import role requirements, competencies, individual development goals (weighted), and core values can be imported into the dialogue forms
Team members and leaders receive email reminders for dialogues due
Peer Kudos and Feedback
From the dashboard, any team member can post a public kudos or private feedback for any fellow team member. This feature is excellent for capturing mentoring, job shadowing, train-the-trainer and team perceptions feedback.
Kudos comments are streamed on the dashboard for all to see, while private feedback is accessible only to the team member and leader.
Each team member's kudos and feedback is accessible in their individual record, as well as, performance dialogue forms.
Once a public kudos is posted, other peers can comment on the kudos to demonstrate recognition and support.
Performance Journals
On a daily or weekly basis, leaders can post team member performance accomplishments and incidents in a journal that automatically date stamps the time of entry. This feature is easy and great for accumulating reference documentation required throughout the performance planning process.
Post categorized journal entries about team member performance dialogues and events from your phone as soon as they occur
Transparent access assures that leaders verbally communicate incidents prior to posting
Team members access journals and read comments to reinforce awareness and understanding of entries
Journal entries are date-stamped to assure accurate notation of by who and when posts are entered
Performance log is quickly accessible during completion of performance dialogues
Give feedback and build trust.
14 days free. No credit card. No commitment.