Team Leadership Resources
The Temptation of More: What Drives Paying Too Much for Talent Management Software
We become enamored by bells and whistles for many reasons. In the world of talent management, it is usually out of wanting to cover all of the bases, except we find that most HR managers and executives don’t really know what performance management game they are playing when they are making their selections.
Trends for HR’s Increased Focus on Strategic Functions Continue
In his article “Strategic Functions Increase for HR in Organizations,” Stephen Miller notes that organizations that outsource administrative HR tasks tend to involve internal HR in strategic planning. That is a pattern we observe as well, and it is a successful model for business development.
Take A Fresh Look at Talent Management: Must-have Integration
Every organization needs these functionalities in its talent management system to be effective…
Tips to Help Managers Get into the Groove and Create Rhythm for Effective Performance Planning
Looking at the ability of employees’ efforts to align with the expectations of the business needs for growth should be a daily occurrence. However, managers themselves are caught up in tactics and focus primarily on their own individual performance so much that they cannot step back and see the big picture.
Why You Need to Develop Your People in Tough Economic Times
Economically speaking, times are tough. No surprise there, right? Well, if you keep one eye on your company’s sales performance and the other on the financial bottom line, you’re overlooking your greatest asset: your employees.
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